Hurriquake Nails

Edward Sutt was a civil engineer who found that the major cause of destruction from Hurricane Marilyn in the Caribbean was due to nails being unable to hold wood together rather than wood failure. Hurriquake Nails is designed to withstand the most prolific hurricanes and violent earthquakes. This is the next generation of nails.

The challenge is to increase brand awareness for Hurriquake Nails and make them the number one choice for homebuilders and house owners in Florida, an area prone to hurricanes, tropical storms, and earthquakes.

Deliverables: An integrated brand image campaign that utilizes a mix of traditional and experiential advertising and copy that reveals the true soul of your brand and makes the case for its very existence.

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Billboard Campaign Posters

Ads that convey the strength of the nail and should therefore be the consumer’s next nail of choice in construction projects.

Experiential Advertising

Two websites:

1. Consumers can play with different scenarios to experiment with various amounts of environmental elements and see whether the nail can withstand these forces.

2. Consumers can purchase merchandise. Every purchase donates money towards a Florida hurricane relief fund for families who have been affected by hurricanes.

Real World Campaign Mockup


Every so often, there’s a change in the wind. The clouds roll in and the rain turns sharp. It’s time.

Mother Nature is rising and she cries out calling all who dare to battle and brave the elements.

Let us stand in your place.

We’re clever, strong and ready. We’ll nail down the things that matter and get the job done while you rest easy at home. When the winds die down and the sun ventures to show its face again, we’ll still be here – indestructible and secure.

We’re ready for battle.

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